Some people like music. Some people just don't understand the connection
between music and someone like me. It is a level that can't be explained, you
either have it or you don't. I fully believe the cliche "Music is the
soundtrack of our lives" I can remember exactly where I was when I heard
some of my favorite songs. That being said.....let me tell you a story........
between music and someone like me. It is a level that can't be explained, you
either have it or you don't. I fully believe the cliche "Music is the
soundtrack of our lives" I can remember exactly where I was when I heard
some of my favorite songs. That being said.....let me tell you a story........

In 1999 I was a metal-head. I still am. At that time there was a new kind of metal coming around. Korn had released Follow the Leader the year before, and the Grunge era was coming to a close. Guitar's were starting to get heavy again. Ozzfest was THE place to be if you loved metal. In San
Bernardino, ca, Ozzfest '99 was such a killer lineup. Black Sabbath was headlining, Rob Zombie,Deftones, SLayer, Primus, Godsmack and
System of a Down were all playing on the main stage.
Fear Factory (my fav at that time) was headlining the second stage, along with Static X Hed (PE) Flashpoint......and a band I have not heard of...

I had been in the pit most of the day, so we went up to the lawn to kick
back and watch Godsmack. I was there with my fellow band members (Flatline)
as well as a bunch of our homies. My drummer Eric and I were sitting on the
grass when our buddy Tanner came running up to us. "Dude!!!!! You guys have
to come see this band, they are fuckin rockin out and they are all wearing
clown masks!!!!" So off we went. Now if you have ever been to Blockbuster
Pavilion you know you have to go over this small hill and then down the
other side to see the 2nd stage. I will forever remember going over the top
of the hill and seeing about 1000 people with their middle fingers in the
air, all chanting "fuck it all, fuck this world, fuck everything that you
stand for." My life would never be the same.

At that time, Slipknot was this enigma. These 9 guys took it to a whole
nother level. There had never been anything like them. A couple months later
we went and saw them at this small as place called The Glass House. It held
like 200 people. It was Slipknot, Mudvayne and Hed (Pe). During Spit it out,
Slipknot had the crowd sit down.... really.....we all sat down. When he told
us to, we unleashed hell. It was the most insane moment of my metal life,
and I loved every second of it. To this day when I hear a live version of
Spit it Out I get goosebumps.

Slipknot became a cult to me. If you were a "Maggot" you were a friend. I
followed them and their words everywhere. They were not Rockstars, they were
a unit. They were a higher power. They were me and you. There was a heart and soul in their music and it matched mine.
They were not Corey, Mick, Craig, Joey, Paul, Chris, Sid, Shawn, and James...... They were numbers 0-8, they were The Clown, The
Pig, The Jester, Kabuki Guy, Evil Pinocchio, The Dreadlocked guy, PinHead and the Big Scary Guy.
At that time they were Gods.

What made them so unique was they're ability to connect with you. They have
always loved and appreciated their fans just as much as we've loved them.
They have defended our honor just like any of us will defend theirs. They
were fans of us, and we knew it, and it made us love them even more.
Slipknot is and always will be a single "knot", if you will. Sure there are
threads and strings in the rope, but once that knot is tied. It is solid.
Some people do not understand the dynamic between them as a whole unit as
well as with their fans. It is a bond that can never be broken. It will
remain....til we die. Just like my tattoo. I got the tattoo because I always
want to remember the impact they had on me.
I am writing this because I just received word that Bassist Paul Gray from
Slipknot was found dead in a hotel room.

My heart is breaking and
my soul is screaming. Deep inside, I know, Slipknot is done. Never again
will they be able to be the original Unit. Never again will they take the
stage, as the 'knot. In my heart, I am sad, but I realize that is what it
must be. They are the 9, and they won't go on without one. I am okay with
that. If they didn't, then the brick that they are would be false
advertising. They won't replace Paul. They can't, it is not in their nature.
I will sum this up with a quote, and what I believe, is the reason why they
won't go on. I would like to tell Slipknot Thank you. You have definitely
changed my life and I will always remember Paul.
From the song "til We Die
I never stopped trying
I never stopped Feeling
like family Is much more
than blood
Don't go on without me
The piece
That I represent
Compliments each
And everyone
I've never known
Trust like the nine
Let it be spoken
Let it be screamed
They'll never ever
Take us alive
From a heart-broken Dave Minyard